Please Help Us!!!
This Should Not Be Happening!
For these two children, and for thousands just like them, life is just a bad dream. Every fifteen seconds a child dies from a lack of clean water. How many of us who take for granted the water that comes out of our kitchen taps, can live with that? Can you? We can’t!
At Global Water Relief, we have the water treatment technology that saves lives. We just need the funds to give it away. To give life away. To give life a fighting chance! All it takes is your help.
A human being can live for weeks without food, but only days without clean water….. if, that is, the water is clean and safe. But these kids don’t even have a fighting chance. Every sip of dirty, filthy water that they are forced to drink is killing them, slowly, and painfully. Think about that the next time your waiter pours you a glass of clean, clear water. Or when you gulp down a bottle of cool water after a workout. Or when you take that first drink of cold water that comes out of your frig every morning to start your day. None of those actions will kill you. But it will for them.
Help us help them! Please go to our web site and contact us to make a single donation, or a long term pledge, and we’ll show you what clean water can accomplish. Please help us! We have the technology to win this fight.
Global Water Reliief Supplying Life Giving Water To Those In Desperate Need